Make A Choice – Tony Robbins & Chael Sonnen
When doubt seeps in you’ve got two roads, you can take either road: you can go to the left or you can go to the right – and believe me, they will tell you that failure is not an option. That is ridiculous! Failure is always an option. Failure is the most readily available option at all times, but it is a choice – you can choose to fail or you can choose to succeed. And if we can plant seeds and let him know: `move your feet, keep your hands up, stay off the bottom,’ that is the road to victory; or, self-doubt and negative talk and that is the road to failure. But failure is always there and it’s okay to recognize that.
Success and failure are not giant events, they don’t just show up, you don’t just suddenly become successful or suddenly have this cataclysmic event that makes you fail. It may look that way but failure comes from all the “little” things – it’s failure to make the call…it’s failure to check the books…it’s failure to say `I’m sorry’…it’s failure to push yourself to do things physically that you don’t want to do – and all those little failures day after day come together until one day some cataclysmic event happens and you blame that. That happened because you missed all the “little” stuff. Do you agree with me?
And success, by the way, is not some overnight event – it’s all these “little” things:
Success is having a vision
Success is making it compelling
Success is really seeing and feeling it every day with strong enough reasons
Success is appealing to sense that I’m here to grow; I’m here to give something to the world more than just myself
Success is caring about other people
Success is calling and saying `I love you’ in the middle of the day for no damn reason.
The only thing that is going to make you happy, my friend, in this year or any other is to step up, it’s to raise the standard, it’s to discover what you are capable of and feel that incredible power pushing through whatever is holding you back and get to the other side of more of your true self.
That’s what this game is all about!
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